April 12, 2010

AMOM: you know this boogie is for real

Day 6 of A Month of Music. Today's topic is A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere. That and yesterday's topic pretty much go hand in hand in my opinion. Usually when you have a song that reminds you of someone it also reminds you of a certain event or place where you listened to this song and why it makes it so special and reminds you of that someone. Of course, sometimes it's just as simple as we always listened to it. 

a song that reminds you of somewhere. 

Jamiroquai - Canned Heat

Canned Heat reminds me of the time we played charades on a boring train ride to Carinthia. We, that's Gaby, Diana and I once more :) Diana picked this song and the way she tried to make us guess it was just splendid. Too funny. We loved watching Napoleon Dynamite so that's how she thought of that song in the first place and because I automatically think of Napoleon Dynamite when I listen to this song I decided to take a picture of the dance scene out of the movie rather than the music video. If you haven't watched Napoleon Dynamite make sure you do. The first time I watched it I hated it but now it's one of my all-time favourite movies. Epic! 


  1. you went to corinthia?
    oh gosh i want to go.


  2. You're so right...there are certain songs that brings you back to a place.
